In support of St. Mark’s missions to Haiti and Orphan Grain Train, we have a very active group who repurpose pillowcases into dresses and shorts for children. Individuals make them at home throughout the year, and we get together to work on them, assembly-line style, in spring and late fall. Praise the Lord, we always have plenty of pillowcases and sewing supplies from donations and through Thrivent Action Team grants.
Workshops were held in March and April with close to 100 dresses being made from pillowcases as well as many pairs of shorts. All items made will be going to Haiti to share the love of Jesus and to support their summer VBS program with a “cross in the pocket’ in each. Back packs and craft items will also be collected. Watch the bulletin for details.
All willing workers are appreciated. If interested, contact Sandy Flanagan.
Here is a little background on the pillowcase clothing project:
Here’s a little background on the pillowcase clothing project:
This St. Mark’s project started more than 10 years ago when 80 dresses made by Carolyn Schultz were sent to Bethany St. Louis at our mission in Haiti. Since the boys were feeling left out, she made 45 pairs of shorts in three different sizes also made from pillowcases to go along with her next shipment of 45 dresses! From there, we planned a Pillowcase Sunday which initially brought in over 100 pillowcases and our box continues to be full. With financial support from Thrivent Action Team grants and generous donations, we now have a group ranging in age from 10 to 90 making dresses and shorts. We have fun making them, and each item is very special with added pockets, buttons, or trim.
While visiting St. Mark’s, Bethany has shared her experiences and the excitement of the children as they receive their new clothes. We have continued to send dresses and shorts each summer which Bethany then distributes to the children as part of their VBS program. Additional shipments go to Orphan Grain Train for distribution each year as well. Praise the Lord!
As an extension of sharing the love of Jesus, we are now adding a ‘Cross in My Pocket’ by stitching a cross and pocket from plastic canvas and yarn. We include the Jesus Loves Me verse (in Creole for those going to Haiti) with the cross and place them in the pocket of each dress and pair of shorts. These Cross in My Pocket gifts are also available in our narthex for anyone who would like one.
Our pillowcase project is on-going. Donations of pillowcases, material, trim, and elastic can be placed in the box in the narthex. We also welcome everyone interested in helping to join us at our workshops in spring and late fall. Thank you for your support.