
Confirmation is an important time in the life of a young Christian.  Confirmation is simply a youth confirming the faith they have been raised up in through their family at home and through their family of God at church. Confirmation is a youth knowing in faith the gift of God that was given to them in their Baptism.

Our homes are by far the most important and valuable resource for raising our children in the faith, and the church serves a supplementary role in guiding and providing itself as a resource to aid in the process.  Sunday School, Midweek, and worship services help to shape and form our families and their homes into a place where Jesus is placed above everything else.

8th Grade is the time spent in confirmation with 4th through 7th grade serving as a means of preparation for it. Confirmation is taught by the Pastor at St. Mark’s and a parent is required to attend each session with their youth. The intent of Confirmation is the bring to life the gift of faith from our Lord, to instruct and employ in the Six Chief Tenants of the Lutheran Faith, and to make disciples out of our children.

St. Mark’s 2024 Confirmation Class



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