Although we look forward to seeing you all in person, we want you to remain safe as we deal with COVID-19. We are hoping that we will be able to open the doors on May 31st, as we have wanted. However, during this time of uncertainity we must take it day by day. This leads us into the question of how people are feeling regarding the possibility of attending church services in person in the upcoming weeks. Once we reach phase two of Badger Bounce Back (gathering of 50 people), would you feel comfortable coming into church or would you prefer to remain at home? So hypothetically, IF we open the doors on May 31st we would like to know which of our members would be joining us for service. We are hoping your responses will give us a more accurate idea of how many people we would have to initially consider for in-person worship.
Please respond via email to Jean at [email protected] by end of day May 8th.