July Outreach Event – MIA Children’s Clothing Drive
The Men In Action will be holding their annual children’s clothing give-away on August 9th from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Over the summer if you are cleaning out your children’s closet, please consider something for the Give-Away. Clothing needs to be clean and in good condition. We are in need of helpers to sort clothing for the Give-Away on Wednesday, August 7th, from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
We are always short of boy’s clothing articles. Please bring in the clean and wearable clothing to the church in boxes or bags and mark it MIA. If you don’t have any kid’s clothing, pick some up at rummage sales for a great price and/or leave a monetary donation in an envelope marked MIA Clothing. Your support is greatly appreciated. WHAT A GREAT WAY TO SERVE THE LORD!
Thanks for caring by sharing!
The Men In Action are also collecting toys for the Christmas give-away in December.